summer 98

Friday 18th September 1998 - No. 14.03

Next Thursday, 24th September, there is a meeting for parents of Year 8 students with Form Tutors. On Monday, Year 8 students were issued with a letter to take home to parents giving details of the arrangements. The meeting is not designed to provide a full review of progress, but to allow any issues of concern to be noted- and to allow parents to put a face to the name of the Form Tutor! We hope parents will be able to attend.

From next Monday, 21st September, we shall be introducing new arrangements for those who take lunch in the dining area. Bags will not be allowed into the dining room: students must leave their bags in their form rooms, with a friend, or in lockers. Students taking free dinners have been issued with a numbered identity card which can be used every day and will avoid delays in queuing. There will be a 'shift system': Years 8 and 9 will queue for lunch at 12.45 in Week 1 and at 1.05 in Week 2: Years 10 and 11 will queue for lunch at 1.05 in Week 2 and at 12.45 in Week 1. We hope that the new system will be of benefit to everybody.

For some time we have been thinking about making a bid for lottery funds to improve the sporting facilities at CNS. Ideas such as a floodlit hard area and an astroturf hockey pitch have been floated. We would welcome the assistance and/or advice of any parent who might be able to give us help in shaping up a proposal. Please contact Dr Elkins, via the school office, if you are willing to help in any way.
The Annual General Meeting of the School Association takes place on Tuesday week, 29th September, at 7.30 pm. The Association is particularly keen to welcome parents of students who are new to the school and hopes that many will want to become involved actively in the Association's activities. Further details about the meeting will be given in next week's Echo.

Now that the Autumn Term is properly under way, there should be no excuse for any student in Years 8-11 to come to school without the approved uniform. Year Heads will be making spot-checks and students who are not correctly dressed may be sent home. Copies of uniform requirements are available at any time from the School Office, so please ask for a list if you are unclear about the rules.

The CNS Amnesty Group meets every Thursday at 1.00 pm in Room 17. The group supports Amnesty International in its efforts to gain the release of prisoners of conscience throughout the world. Anybody is welcome to come along. This is an important year… look out for posters around the school for the next few weeks to find out why. LIBRARY Mrs Fletcher, the Teacher Librarian, is keen to recruit library helpers from among Year 12 students. If you are interested, see Mrs Fletcher or one of the Library Assistants.

Last week's Echo said that school photographs would be taken last Monday. It should have said Tuesday: sorry!